Once upon a time, there was a shaky oak forest at the foot of a huge mountain. There was a Cursed Inn with high towers in the shaky oak forest on the high slope of this big mountain. There used to be a peevish witch and her mean cat living in this inn. The peevish witch used to sit in the dark in that Cursed Inn. Because of the curse of the cursed Inn, there is was no light in it, no fire ignited. And the road to the Inn ws made of a cliff. The determined but peevish witch was trying various magic and potions to remove the curse. She would fly to far places with her broom to bring the materials needed for the mixtures, return tired and then dive into the forest before her sweat got cold, searching for magical herbs and various materials. But she couldn't carry light to the Inn except for a flickering, dim little flame. And that tiny flickering flame, sometimes burned sometimes went out.
One day, when she was in the dark, the peevish and stubborn witch set up a huge cauldron around the Inn and started boiling a huge potion to remove the curse. As the cauldron boiled and the potion bubbled, the witch called out to the Moon and the stars, the storm-bearing clouds, the hurricane, the wind spirits of the north and south. As the potion bubbled, the steam that appeared on top of it carried the witch's voice from the trembling oak forest to the heavens, the Moon, the stars, the wind, the hurricane, the wind spirits. As the cauldron boiled, the star of Bethlehem in the sky sparkled, kept on sparkling, and the Witch continued to say her words in a combative state. Finally, the star sent some of its light to the boiler. The boiler also caught fire, but at that time the hurricane broke off, the wind blew and the boiler overturned. The witch had her head covered in the potion as she tried to hold the cauldron so that the potion inside it wouldn't spill. Then kept on getting stronger. A terrible lightning struck the Inn, and it caught fire, the hurricane took the Witch away. The witch clung to her broom and cauldron with one hand and her cat with the other hand while she was hurtling through the hurricane. She flew far away from the trembling oak forest, drifted, went away.
The peevish witch fell somewhere far away. She looked to her right left side, and realized that she doesn't where she was. There were no curious owls, tiny squirrels, naughty bears that she was used to be around at all. This unfamiliar place really scared our most peevish witch. She felt all alone and lonely there. Her skin was glowing with the effect of the potion. That's why she attracted a lot of attention, especially at night. She was afraid to be seen by the wild creatures of the forest. And then the rains came down on her. The hurricane was blowing over her. She was very cold for this reason. She kept crying "I don't have a house, I don't have a house". Then her grumpy cat came to her and told her to build a house for them. For some reason, the peevish witch did not think of building a house for herself until then.
First, she got up from where she was sitting for 7 seven, sitting and crying. Then she took her broom in her hand and swept around nicely. While sweeping, she saw an interesting shape there. That shape looked like a spiral, like a maze. It looked like a spell or a seal. And the witch had a mark right on her heart that looks like it. That's why she really, really liked it and installed her boiler there. She put the bushes under it and lit the fire as she blew. The fire was now in her body, in her breath. She collected the things needed to build a house, a little from the root of an ash tree, a little from a willow branch, 3 from a stork feather, one from a wolf tooth, 4 from a moonstone, she threw them all into the cauldron. When the cauldron bubbled and annealed, she poured the potion on the floor and spread it around with her broom. She spread it and then sang songs. She raised he house while singing them. As she sang, the earth rose, the stones rolled away. The trees there bent and twisted and twisted, and the peevish witch and her cat made a house with unique beauty. When the witch came to her house, she cried and cried, and her tears flowed a lot, and her grumpy cat gave her a tear bottle to put her tears in. The witch collected her tears as she cried. As she laughed, she cleaned her house, watched the fire in her fireplace, and watched the lights spread from her radiant body into the house.
She enjoyed it a lot, cheered up as well but there was no one in her house but a cat. This was getting more and more annoying for our witch. So she sang songs at the fire. She added the spice of longing and loneliness to her songs. She played a lyre and entrusted the melodies of this lyre to the wind so that it could carry them to her loved ones. She cooked cookies in her roaring oven. She also made delicious smelling bread. Brewed bud-scented tea. Then she kept on waiting. But nobody came. When no one came, our witch took her grumpy cat and flew high with it.
As she flew, the bushes and the trees around her also rose. The witch went right and left, wandered around, couldn't get out of the forest, but as she went here and there, she heard the voices of a lot of children. The children heard the sound of the lyre, the timbre of longing, the smell of the cookies. They heard this sound, the call, followed her and set off for the forest. They were lost in the maze, spinning around and around. The witch got strolled around, but she couldn't reach the children. Then she got tired thoroughly and the night fell on her. The peevish maze formed by branches in the forest seemed to get more peevish as the witch gets more peevish. The roads were jumbling. As they jumbled, they were strolling. There were children's voices coming from inside the maze. When she realized this, she returned home. She sat just in the middle of the living room. Stopped and thought. She thought about how she got here and finally remembered.
She remembered that when she arrived while she was sweeping the floor, she saw a shape on the floor and that the shape consisted of many spirals arranged around a plus. In fact, she herself chose the top of that spiral to make a house. Then she also remember the shape she saw there and drew it on small pieces of wood. She tied a rope to these pieces of wood, turned it into a necklace. And she handed it over to her grumpy cat so that she wouldn't get lost in the maze on her own and find the other kids and distribute the necklace that showed her the way home. So the kids got to the necklace. Looking at the necklace, they crossed the maze and found their way to the house.
When they got home, they sang together, drank tea, ate cookies. They laughed and cried together, had fun. They listened to the witch's stories that she told with her radiant body and fiery breath. So the house of the peevish witch became a good place to meet since that day. A lot of good memories accumulated. A lot of laughter sounds rang on their walls. And one day, the peevish witch realized that she no longer felt lonely anymore. Then she gave the tears she had collected in the tear bottle to the cat to shed. The cat also took the bottle and poured it into the Inn, which was now very far away, but was still burning after the lightning struck, and the fires in the Inn went out, and the curse on it went up like a dark shadow and flew away. The witch and her cat have lived happily ever after with their friends and loved ones in their homes.
